Adrien Gonthier
11th grade at Tam High
Zoom only
Strengths in french, spanish and for certain grades math
Tutor for grades
$20 per hour
$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program.
Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund! We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives. The best is if you MATCH what you pay!
Email gonthieradrien@gmail.com
Text 4155350285
I'm a junior at Tamalpais High school with a 4.17 GPA. I am fluent in French as for my dad is French and taught me at a young age. I have taken the AP French test and passed with a perfect score. I enjoy anything to do with soccer, 90's hip hop and the British culture. I am here to create a sturdy academic ground for your student in the subject required and help them with whatever work or concepts they need help in. I help many students in and out of school with both French and Spanish, understanding the material, the way grammar works or how to form sentences.
I am currently taking Honors Spanish 7/8 and am very comfortable with the language. I go to Spain every summer and practice my skills with the locals, getting better each time. It helps knowing French because they both sound alike. In regards to math, I take Advanced Algebra at Tam High. I feel comfortable teaching K-8 with any types of math and am patient and welcoming advisor. Feel free to contact me for further information or if your are interested in what I have to offer.
-Adrien G