Alana Leifer
8th grade at Kent Middle School
Zoom only
Strengths in math, writing, and reading
Tutor for grades
$20 per hour
$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program.
Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund! We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives. The best is if you MATCH what you pay!
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Hello! My name is Alana Leifer and I am an 8th grader at Kent middle school. My strengths as a tutor are math, writing and reading. When I was in 6th grade I won a best of show award at the marin county fair for my piece about Syria and ever sense then I have eager to educate those younger then me by sharing tips that I have consistantly used throughout my middle school experience. During my free time I love to read, write, and run track. Feel free to contact me at 203-753-3444 . Thanks!