Alyssa Barkus
11th grade at Tam High
In person or Zoom
Strengths in tutoring math, French, and English.
Tutor for grades
$20 per hour (Grades K-5)
$25 per hour (Grades 6-8)
$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program.
Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund! We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives. The best is if you MATCH what you pay!
Email alyssabarkus@gmail.com
Call or text 4156348299
Hi! My name is Alyssa Barkus and I’m a junior at Tamalpais High School. Outside of school I enjoy playing sports, going on hikes with my dog, looking for better ways to help those around me, and finding ways to improve our community. I am currently co-running a volunteer program called Letter of Comfort, striving to connect residents at living facilities with our volunteers hoping to build stronger social connections within our community. I am also a part of the Tam High Engineering Club where I have improved my problem solving skills as well as learning to brainstorm ideas and working well with others.
Although I am not french, for elementary school I attended Lycée Français de San Francisco, a french-american school located in Sausalito, where I became almost fluent in French. I also attended Willow Creek Academy (also in Sausalito) for middle school where I was able to become very familiar with both the Sausalito and Marin City community. For the past 4 years, I have gained experience with tutoring students, particularly in elementary school in all subjects whether it be French or English. Doing well in school is very important to me and I understand that school can be very stressful and difficult. My goal is to help students with whatever they need in order to improve their understanding regarding what they are learning while providing a comfortable and stressless environment.