Daphne Lasher
12th grade at Redwood High School
In person or Zoom
Strengths in English, History and Science
Tutor for grades
$20-$30 per hour
$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program.
Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund! We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives. The best is if you MATCH what you pay!
Email daphlash123@gmail.com
Text 4157555574
I love working with children as I am a gymnastics coach for kids ages 5-10. I have a strong passion for science and am currently hoping to go Pre-Med next year in college! I feel really strongly about giving back to my community and those around me, that is why I wanted to become a tutor for Marin Matches. I hope to connect with my community even more and help those who need it!