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Hannah Kahn

Gap year then University of British Columbia

In person or Zoom


Strengths in English, history, sciences, certain subjects of math

Tutor for grades

$35-40 per hour (less is okay!)

$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program. 

Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund!  We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives.  The best is if you MATCH what you pay!


Call or text 4158958951

Hi! My name is Hannah and I am a recent graduate of Tam High. I decided to take a gap year before continuing my own education and am spending my time working as a barista at Peet’s coffee, backpacking, and working on farms through the WWOOF program. I’m very passionate about equitable and accessible education and have experience as both a tutor and a babysitter in the past. I am happy and able to tutor in any subjects necessary, I am passionate and well-versed in English, social studies/history, and sciences.
I love to always be learning and exploring and spend my free time cooking, crocheting, reading, hiking, and watching great movies. Throughout high school I was involved with Model UN, the Mill Valley Rube Goldberg Team, and the Jewish Student Association, and have worked as a library page, personal assistant, waitress, and sleep away camp counselor.
I truly believe that education is the most powerful tool we have, and keeping it accessible and engaging through Marin Matches, during Covid, is such an amazing opportunity and I’m so excited to be involved!

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