Mackenzie LeBuhn
12th grade at Tam High
Zoom only
Strengths in math and science
Tutor for grades
$25 per hour
$0 if you inform the tutor that you require the Marin Matches scholarship program.
Don't forget to donate to our scholarship fund! We respectfully ask that you donate $10+ for every hour of tutoring your child receives. The best is if you MATCH what you pay!
Email mackey11203@gmail.com
Call or text 4157175119
Hello! My name is Mackenzie LeBuhn and I’m currently a senior at Tamalpais High school. I’ve been a tutor for students of all ages for the last three years with a focus on math and science. I think the most interesting thing to understand is how a kid thinks. In addition, it’s amazing to see a students growth throughout the time they receive tutoring.